Enable thousands of people to start or continue protecting their privacy
Your donation will speed up the development and support of a privacy and security platform for everyone. It prevents fraud and misuse. It respects and enables your human right to privacy (UDHR, Article 12). Privacy gives freedom. Help us to give your freedom back.
Make you part of a non-profit organisation
GEENS is a unique privacy ecosystem owned by the users. It empowers you to store your data, to share, to receive, to reach out, to make value. Only an ecosystem, based on a non-profit concept, can deliver maximum guarantees: nongovernmental and independent.
Help GEENS improve and carry out
services that are in the GEENS ecosystem: data storage and sharing, timestamping, solutions for voting, health, discussion, compliance with the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). These components will make the society more entrepreneurial. The process will be transparent and in accordance with the EU regulations.
You can donate here: donations.geens.com!