Sep 17, 2024 | Geens Platform

Secure task management in a state-of-the-art environment
You can now create, share and manage your tasks from and into your Geens private data store. The tool is safe and secure because it is built with the Geens SDK making full use of the Geens end-to-end encryption and its privacy by design development approach.
Like the daily paper to-do list we make every day to keep track of tasks we need to complete, an online task management system is a digital tool that helps us manage and organize our tasks in a more efficient and streamlined way.… Read more
May 30, 2022 | Geens Platform

Your account is now even more secure with the embedded Secure Remote Password (SRP) protocol.
Geens & SRP
The zero-knowledge proof SRP protocol ensures a strong, advanced level of security combined with the right amount of flexibility and user convenience. We did not have reinvent the wheel. Embedding the open SRP protocol standard makes it possible with your account to securely use low-entropy passwords.
What changes for you
As from now the way you log in with your email account is more secure but has changed a little.… Read more
Jul 22, 2021 | Geens Platform

Never miss the latest updates and required actions for your private and secure data. See and follow up what’s going on in all your groups and accounts.
In Geens encrypted data dashboard, notifications alert you and show ongoing activities and changes related to your account. Starting straight from the login screen or account drawer, you can see which accounts have notifications and take actions accordingly.
Geens notification systems use two types of communication, such as in-dashboard or email message. More about email notifications
Notification types
Geens will provide notifications for your encrypted data and activities in groups:
- Subscribed items notifications
Description changes
Colour changes
Role changes
Version changes
Generated a shareable link
Share or Link share expiry
Added to the template
- Team notifications
Invited a new user
Updated a user
Deleted a user
Pending user for approval
Confirmed a user
- Groups & Geenodes notifications
Template received
Template created
Template updated
Template deleted
Geenode created
Geenode registration finished
Geenode updated
Geenode deleted
- User notifications
Email changed
Password changed
Password revoked
Invitation to set up a group
Invitation to set up a Geenode
New Invoices
Geens will be expanding and adding new types of notifications as well as new features to your secure and private ecosystem.… Read more
Jun 15, 2021 | Geens App, Geens Platform

We updated our manuals and documentations for Geens Dashboard and Mobile App.
1. Geens NPO
2. Geenode User Manual
3. Geens Mobile app
4. Geens Mobile App Manual
5. Geens for Business
Feel free to experiment and customize your user experience to find the right formula for your use-cases and stay protected with the end-to-end encrypted cloud.… Read more
Dec 4, 2020 | Geens Platform

Dynamic Roles
The feature that makes your business environment more flexible and addressing your essential needs.
The dynamic roles feature will help organize your team or clients structure while maintaining a safe and secure place to work, share and access encrypted data.
The whole dashboard interface functions enable you to customize and enhance user experience based on user type, positions or roles.
Create as many roles as you like, name them, give various permissions (e.g. download files, upload files, access to functions, etc.).… Read more
Jul 31, 2020 | Geens Platform

Geens#iD is replacing an email!
Collaborate and work faster with the teams and groups in a secure and end-to-end encrypted cloud environment. Geens#iD consists of two parts name#group. The groups or teams are predefined by the owners and you can enter any name by your own.
Here is the example of geens ID: john#GeensNPO
With Geens#iD account you can:
- participate in multiple teams and groups
- have a unique password for each ID
- secure each ID with 2FA
- share data using recipient ID
- easily switch between accounts
How it works:
The existing and new users will need to provide an email address in order to receive the invitations, notifications and confirmation emails.… Read more
Apr 2, 2019 | Geens App

We are happy to announce our Geens beta app launch for Android! Encrypted file storage and blockchain timestamping for personal data is now at your fingertips. is a non-profit, non-governmental and non-corporate organisation which provides encryption technology services for businesses and individuals.
What the beta launch offers:
In the Geens app, all your pictures, documents and other data are accessible only to you and the ones you trust. You can securely share and receive data without worrying about breaches or trackers.… Read more
Dec 4, 2018 | Geens Platform

We’ve been working hard, and finally, it’s time to reveal!
We’re excited to present the all new “Blue Geens for Business”!
Together with “Blue Geens”, we’ve updated our entire system:
• Enhanced Security
• New features
• Increased power
• More possibilities
• NEM Blockchain integration
Stay tuned: we’ll release more awesome features in 2019!
More details? Visit
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Oct 30, 2018 | Uncategorized
NEM Foundation is happy to announce a great partnership with Geens NPO — a Belgian non-profit organization. GEENS is a trust and privacy-oriented platform which fits very closely with NEM’s philosophy and approach. With a unique approach to personal data handling and blockchain advantages, Geens will be building a great project on NEM. The combination of two will empower people to securely access services of the growing digital economy.
Geens NPO has been operating since 2014. Our members have given us the possibility to continue building state-of-the-art solutions while protecting their privacy.
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Jun 15, 2018 | Uncategorized

Sinds de onthullingen rond Cambridge Analytica en de inwerkingtreding van de GDPR, staat privacy hoog op de agenda van het maatschappelijk debat. Grote internetbedrijven als Facebook en Google groeiden uit tot de moguls die ze vandaag zijn door geld te slaan uit de gegevens van hun gebruikers. Voor Leuvenaar Jaak Geens was de maat vol. Met wil hij de internetgebruiker de controle over zijn privacy teruggeven.
Click HERE for more… Read more